Mary is a natural-born storyteller. She's a civil servant, but she'd have been a successful comedian. I love her stories. Even better, they are delivered in her classic New York accent. That always makes them seem even funnier.
Anyway, on with the story. Mary and her first husband were divorcing. Toward the end of their marriage, Mary had bought her soon-to-be-former husband a heavy gold ID bracelet as a gift. That was before she found out some of his faults. After they had separated, they had to meet at the lawyer's office to complete some paperwork. Though she was feeling very anxious, Mary went there looking her very best. She was wearing a beautiful new piece of jewellery, a ring by Ivaan, and she had that great feeling you have when you are feeling at the top of your game.
During the meeting, Mary's former husband asked her, "By the way, do you know whatever happened to my gold ID bracelet?" Languidly, Mary lifted her right hand to her mouth to stifle a yawn. "Haven't a clue", she replied, then, extending her arm outwards, she rested her hand casually on her knee.
And on one finger of that hand was her spectacular new gold "magic" ring by Ivaan - made out of the recently melted and refined ID bracelet she'd once given him.
Here it is in pink wax. ©1995 Ivaan Kotulsky |
And here's the other side. |
Now, this is a series about silver, so for your viewing pleasure I have made up the ring in pink wax, because I don't have a photo of Mary's gold ring, but every time I see her wearing it, I have an attack of one of the Seven Deadly Sins.
Invidia. If you don't know what it means, go and look it up.
There's a happy ending to the story, because Mary subsequently met John and they have lived happily ever after. As I so often say, living well is the best revenge.